Monday, 20 May 2013

Hospitals and handprints!

This past week little Maxi Moo has been very poorly. He started on the Monday with a bit of diarrhoea which has continued throughout the week. His poos can only be described as something between toxic waste and chicken korma. Gone bad. Very bad. He had awful tummy pains which made him cry out in his sleep (nothing makes you jump more in the middle of the night!) and he was very grouchy, although he was still his smiley self when he didn't have tummy ache.
We tried lots of baths and tummy rubs to help settle his belly.

On the Friday he didn't seem any better so when I noticed a bit of blood in his nappy I immediately took him to the doctors. There he was referred to the paediatric ward at the hospital for assessment.

He was such a good boy and smiled at the nurses and doctor as they assessed him. He'd lost quite a bit of weight because of the illness but was still hydrated. They said he's either got a bad case of gastroenteritis or a possible lactose intolerance. I've been feeding him a combination of breast milk and formula as I've been back to work, so they recommended just breast milk for now and see how he gets on. 
He was allowed home and although he's still a bit poorly we've had lots of fun cuddling, singing and yesterday we did his clay handprint as I'm conscious of how big he's getting! 
Max is incredibly wriggly and always has his hands tight in a fist, so I think this is a good attempt! I love it :) 

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