Saturday, 21 December 2013

Christmas update!

So I haven't written on here since Dave left, as it's been a horrible 6 months, but I used to love documenting all of Max's achievements and what we had been up to, so decided to carry on :)

Max is now becoming a clever, cheeky, funny and so, so cute little boy. I have never been prouder of anything in my life. He began crawling and sitting up unaided before 6 months old. He has pulled himself up and walked around the furniture or holding my hands for months! At 8 months old he began standing alone, but still has little wobbles and lands on his bum when he realises no one is holding him! He has started taking the odd step alone but tends to throw himself instead of continuing to walk! He waves bye bye, shouting bye bye and tries to do the actions to incy wincy spider. He loves food, especially chicken casserole and hot pot. At his 7-9 month development check they said he was very advanced and were very pleased with him.

It's not just his developmental achievements that I'm proud of though - he's such a good little boy. He now listens and responds when I say 'no' and loves sharing. He will offer his food to anyone - including the cat - and now says ta. He gives the cheesiest grins and rarely cries. He sleeps for around 12-14 hours every night, with 2 naps in the day and is just such a pleasure to be around - warming to everyone he meets.

The build up to Christmas has been so magical and I can't wait to see his little face on Christmas morning :)